- After being shackled to spectacles since I was 7 years old, I finally manned up and got laser vision correction eye surgery a few weeks ago. The procedure itself wasn't bad and only took about 20 minutes. The only thing that had me nervous was the thought of the eye clamps to keep my eyelids open. Being a big fan of the movie A Clockwork Orange, I had something like this in my mind:
Wasn't nearly that bad, at all. The recovery was a bit rough. My eyes burned like hell and I'm going to be taking eye drops for another month or so. My mom stayed with me for a couple of days, which was nice. I slept a lot. My vision, while infinitely better than it was before, still isn't perfect. There remains a bit of fuzziness, as if I'm frustratingly still frustratingly a tad nearsighted. At least I'm already able to have shed my glasses and able to do the one thing I've never been able to do comfortably: wear sunglasses.
- It may very be possible that I FINALLY have a good lineup for exercise in pain that is Everything's Ruined. Diallo, the weirdo drummer that I used to jam out with back in high school, quit, citing depression as a result of breaking up with some girl that already had a boyfriend. So, yeah. Found Brian and not only is he an awesome drummer but he's an awesome dude. Joe from Pinebox took over for Muttley on bass. James is still on guitar. I was singing and playing guitar for a while, then decided that I'd rather just stick to guitar. Figured we'd need an actual frontman: better crowd interaction, better dynamic. Truth be told, I absolutely suck at writing lyrics. If i had the gift of the written word, I'd be the frontman and would have looked for a 2nd guitarist. However, over a period of several months, I only managed to write lyrics for 3 songs, 2 are being kept and the 3rd is being mercifully buried. We've been writing new stuff and working towards recording a new full-length sometime in the fall. Can't wait.
- After 12 years, Faith No More finally got back together and played at Williamsburg Waterfront last week. They were just as amazing as always.
- Hurricane Alex tore through my family's city in Mexico, Monterrey a couple of weeks ago. My cousins have been sending me pictures of the devastation. It's shocking to say the least. As far as I know, everyone in my family is ok.
That last one used to be a dry river that had been dry for about 20 or so years that had been turned into public park space.
- Finally went to a couple of Yankee games this year. I always passively enjoyed baseball, but after going to a Met game 2 years ago (first time I've been to a baseball game since I was a little kid) I started to enjoy it more. I'm not a statistic spouting nerd by any stretch of the imagination, but I'll watch a game on TV every now and again and go to a game. The new stadium is absolutely beautiful. First time I went with some broad I was seeing at the time. 2nd time I went with my dear friend Angela & her fiancee Greg. Have grown real close with them over the last year. I'm glad. They're good people.
I guess that's all I can remember for now. All the more reason for me to start blogging again.
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